Matrix Applications | Insights

Rohan Parikh's Summer Internship Reflection

Written by Colleen Judge | 8/8/23 4:06 PM

Rohan Parikh, a rising Senior at Rutgers University, reflects on his summer as a Financial Applications Development Intern:

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

During my internship, I found the company's culture and work environment to be the most enjoyable aspects of my experience. The friendly and supportive atmosphere made it easy to connect with colleagues, who were always approachable and willing to lend a helping hand. Working alongside experienced developers was a real privilege, as it provided me with invaluable insights and mentorship.

Who did you work with? Tell us about your mentorship experience?

During my internship, I had the privilege of working closely with the Financial Applications Development Team, under the leadership of Tom Miller, the Head of Product Development. While I worked with the entire team, it was Jason Walsh, VP - Software Engineer, and Nolan Bay, Systems Engineer, who served as my primary mentors. Their guidance and support were invaluable as I embarked on creating a full-stack application from scratch. Under Jason and Nolan's mentorship, I gained hands-on experience in real-world software development. They patiently guided me through the intricacies of the development process, fostering a learning environment that encouraged curiosity and exploration. Their expertise in financial technology and software development proved instrumental in bridging the gap between the knowledge I acquired in school and its practical application in a professional setting.

What struck me most during my mentorship experience was their approachability and willingness to help. They were always available to address my questions and provide valuable insights. Their mentorship not only helped me enhance my technical skills, but also instilled in me a deeper understanding of the financial technology industry as a whole. I am truly grateful for the support and guidance I received from Jason, Nolan and the entire team throughout my internship. Their mentorship played a pivotal role in my growth as a software engineer and has left a lasting impact on my professional journey. I will always cherish this valuable experience and carry forward the lessons learned from them as I continue to develop my career in the field of financial technology.

What was one of the most valuable projects you worked on?

One of the most valuable projects I had the opportunity to work on during my internship was the development of a full-stack application called "Database-loader." Collaborating closely with another intern, we embarked on creating this application entirely from scratch, with the invaluable guidance and mentorship of Jason and Nolan. This project was particularly valuable for me because I was exposed to a diverse range of technical languages and tools that I had not been entirely familiar with before. Through this hands-on experience, I gained a deep understanding and confidence in using these languages, which has been instrumental in shaping my technical skills. Witnessing the evolution of the application, starting from a simple page to a fully functional application, was an incredibly fulfilling experience. The iterative process of design, development and improvement taught me valuable lessons in software engineering and project management. Moreover, it emphasized the importance of collaboration and effective communication among team members.

The success of the "Database-loader" project was a direct result of the support and guidance provided by the entire team. Their mentorship, patience and expertise played a crucial role in overcoming challenges and turning this project into a remarkable achievement. The experience not only enhanced my technical capabilities, but also instilled in me a profound sense of accomplishment and motivation to tackle more complex projects in the future.